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Most bail bond companies take hours to get an actual bond to the jail. The bail bond process has some necessary steps that must be taken, but there is no reason for it to take as long as it does for OTHER bail bond companies. We at El Don Bail Bonds created the program we call “INSTA-BAIL” to avoid those hours of delay and get people out of jail FASTER THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY! With our “INSTA-BAIL” program we will quickly approve the bail bond and POST THE BAIL BOND with the jail. We will deal with the paperwork and other requirements as the jail is releasing your loved one! El Don Bail Bonds understands that arranging and posting a bail bond does not have to take hours or require a mountain of paperwork to be filled out to get a bond posted and secure someone’s release from jail. That can all be done as the person is being processed for release!

It’s very simple: THE QUICKER THE JAIL GETS A BOND, THE QUICKER SOMEONE GETS OUT OF JAIL! We can deal with the paperwork and fees as the person is getting out of jail. If we trust ya enough to post a bail bond in the first place, we can certainly trust ya enough to believe you will do the paperwork after the bond has been posted! We have been in the Valley for decades and have worked with countless people to take the pain out of the process. NO ONE CAN GET IT DONE FASTER.


We will drop off the bond FIRST, and then handle the bail bond process. Someone in jail for the first time is full of fear and anxiety; we understand they have special needs. In almost all cases first offenders will qualify for insta-bail and get out fast!