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Being arrested can upset you and disrupt your life. You might be confused about how your life will turn out and might feel gloomy about the future. While it feels like the end, there is always a chance to fight back and get out of jail to resume your life and be closer to your friends and family. With El Don Bail bonds, you can be released from a Joshua Tree Jail within a few hours of your arrest by contacting our agents as soon as you are arrested.

The Arrest Process

The arrest is usually the first step in any criminal proceedings. When you are arrested in Joshua Tree, you are likely to be booked into a Joshua Tree Jail, awaiting either arraignment or release on bail. An arrest refers to the situation when an officer places you in custody, and your freedom of movement is restricted.

Arresting does not have to involve physical force or handcuffs, as is common on TV. Instead, it can be as simple as submitting to police authority once they tell you that you are under arrest. Even with involuntary submission, the police will still arrest you and might add charged of assault on a police officer.

Some of the situations in which an officer can arrest you include:

  • The officer catches you while committing a crime
  • The officer has probable cause to arrest you, for example, you match the description of a criminal identified by witnesses
  • There's a court-issued warrant for your arrest

Even though the police have the authority to arrest you when you are suspected of a crime, they have to adhere to the laws and regulations of the state. For example, the police are required to read you your Miranda rights before they can question you (after an arrest). These Miranda rights are designed to protect you from self-incrimination when you are arrested. These rights include:

  • The right to remain silent, which means you can legally refuse to answer any questions
  • Anything you say will be used against you in court (the self-incriminatory remarks can be used to prove your guilt of a crime)
  • You have the right to an attorney: you can refuse to answer any of the police questions if your lawyer is not present, and you have the right to have an attorney present for future questioning
  • The court will appoint a public defender if you cannot afford to hire a private attorney. Claiming you cannot afford an attorney is not an excuse, the court will have to verify your financial position before assigning you a public defender
  • If you choose to answer the questions without an attorney, you can stop at any time and request an attorney's presence

Note that the police do not have an obligation to read your Miranda rights when investigating a DUI or another crime at a traffic stop. However, once they take you into custody, they have to read these rights. Failure to read these rights can lead your defense lawyer to bring a motion to suppress evidence to avoid any self-incriminating remarks from being used against you during the trial.

During the arrest, remain calm and composed. You do not have to fight with the officers – it will lead to further trouble down the road. Remain silent. If the police question you about the offense, reaffirm your right to have an attorney before you can answer their questions. However, you should provide your personal information at the officers' request.

The officers will frisk you during the arrest and confiscate any weapon that might be on your person. If they confiscate your car as well, they may search it too. They will then take you to the police station for booking and transfer you into a Joshua Tree Jail.


The booking or processing is the second stage after an arrest. It involves the recording of your personal information, storage, and recording of personal items you have and placement into a holding facility or in a Joshua Tree Jail.

The personal information the police will record includes your name, age, and contact information. The officers will also record information about the crime for which you were arrested.

The officer then takes your mugshot. A mugshot provides your photographic information to law enforcement officers. The police will take two shots, one front view and a side-view one. The mugshot will indicate information such as your height, the crime, and any relevant information related to the crime for which you were arrested.

After taking your mugshot, the officer will confiscate your clothing and personal property, such as jewelry, accessories, and money. These items will be stored in a marked box and released to you after your release. You will be issued with a jail uniform. However, if the officers find any contraband materials such as knives, they will be confiscated as evidence.

The next step involves fingerprinting of all your fingers. You will have to roll your finger so that the whole impression of your prints can be recorded. Fingerprints can be used to tie you to or eliminate you from the list of suspects for a crime. The FBI allows local law enforcement bodies to access the crime database, including that of pending crimes, which allows for collaboration in apprehending offenders and solving crimes. The fingerprints will be stored in the database for an indefinite period. In some cases, the officers can request DNA evidence such as hair, saliva, or blood.

The officers will then conduct a strip search, which you may feel is invasive. However, it is part of police procedure in identifying whether you have any weapons or drugs on your person. Strip searches can be embarrassing and humiliating, but courts have ruled them as part of the legal procedure in preventing weapons, drugs, or other prohibited materials from getting into jail.

The police may check for other warrants for your arrest from other law enforcement agencies. They will also check through the database to identify other crimes you may have committed or are connected to. Police officers do solve some outstanding crimes or can connect you with similar crimes in other states or counties.

The police also conduct health checks during the booking process to ensure that you get emergency medical care. The tests can also determine whether you pose a risk to the officers or other inmates in case you are suffering from an infectious disease.

The final stage in the booking process involves the placement and transfer to an incarceration facility. Before placing you in a Joshua Tree Jail, the officer will determine whether you pose a risk to other inmates. For example, they may ask about your gang affiliations. If you are connected to a gang or pose a danger to other inmates, you will be placed in protective custody. However, if you pose no harm, you will be taken into a holding cell.

Usually, officers are not allowed to keep you at the station for prolonged periods without booking or releasing you. Such would be engaging in unlawful detention. The prosecution will have to file charges within a maximum of 72 hours.

Sometimes, officers may choose to release you on a written citation in which you promise to show up for court proceedings on the set dates. Such a release is known as “own recognizance” release, which saves you from having to go to jail.

You should take such a release seriously and show up for any court proceedings to avoid being rearrested. In case you are rearrested for failing to appear, the prosecution could place additional charges, or the court may deny you release on bail.

Fortunately, even after you are arrested and booked into a Joshua Tree Jail, you can still get your freedom through bail. Bail allows you to be released pending your criminal proceedings. The police could allow you to post bail for the amount allowed in the bail schedule. Sometimes, you will have to go through a bail hearing in court to determine your eligibility for bail and the amount you should pay.

If you cannot pay the full bail amount, you can call a bail agent as soon as you are arrested or during the arraignment. Bail agents post bail on your behalf if they determine you are low-risk and are likely to show up for any court proceedings. The agent may require you or the cosigner to attach collateral to cover the bail amount.

Find a Bail Bond Agent Near Me

It would help if you started looking for a bail agent as soon as you are arrested or booked into custody. This allows the bail agent to prepare the necessary paperwork for your release on bail. El Don Bail Bonds offers efficient and reliable bail bonds services to people in Joshua Tree and the surrounding areas. We work round the clock to ensure that you can access our services during the day, night, and on any day of the week. We have close relationships with the jail and the court, which help us obtain a pretrial release for our clients. If your loved one is arrested, contact us at 760-342-0444 so that we can start preparing the paperwork.


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