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Discrete and fast bail bonds services are the qualities you should be looking for when seeking a surety bonds agency to bail someone out of jail. In as much as there are a couple of agencies in Murrieta, CA, that promise you fast and discreet services, you probably still find it hard to choose the best from these companies. This is coupled by the fact that you also want to learn about bail bonds and how they work so that you are better positioned to decide the best bail bond option for you. The El Don Bail Bonds company has experienced agents that are readily available to respond to your concerns on the bail process, and bail you or a relative out of jail within a short time.

What is a Bail Bond?

According to the 8th amendment, everyone is accorded the right to request and post bail and be released before their case hearing is completed. The person, however, is required to pay a set or predetermined fee as bail amount in exchange for their release. This amount is directly related to the alleged crime, meaning that severe crimes carry larger bail amounts than minor crimes.

A bail bond is, therefore, a written agreement between the defendant, a bail bonds agent, the court, and a co-signer requiring the co-signer to be responsible and ensure the defendant abides by the bail release orders set out by the court. The agreement also requires the defendant to appear for all the pending court proceedings, mandatory classes, or meetings.

Difference between Bail and Bond

Bail and bond are used interchangeably in discussing the release of a defendant from police custody. However, the two are not the same. Bail is money the defendant pays in order to get out of jail while the bond is posted on the defendant’s behalf to secure his/her release, especially by a bail bonds company. Bail is not meant to be a punishment, but rather, a way of obtaining the defendant’s agreement to return to court.

Difference Between a Cash Bond and Bail Bond

A cash bond is when the defendant is able to pay the full amount of the bond upfront. A bail bond, on the other hand, is when the defendant is not able to pay up for the bond and would need someone to secure their release through a commitment of some amount.

Arrest and Getting Booked

Once a person is arrested, they are taken into police custody in a county jail or a local city jail. The defendant is then taken through the booking process. This process includes:

  • Identity verification that includes the defendant’s name, date of birth, and their physical characteristics
  • Recording information about the alleged crime
  • Taking of fingerprints and photographs
  • Checking any criminal background of the defendant
  • Searching the defendant’s person and confiscating any personal property that shall be returned upon release.
  • Placing the defendant in a police station holding cell
  • Interrogation

It is after the booking process that it is necessary for the defendant to be bailed out of jail. But first, they have to undergo the bail bond process to determine if they are eligible for bail and if so, the amount of money they should pay as bail.

The Bail Bond Process

A bail bond process only happens after the arrest, and the booking process is complete. The defendant will first of all go through the bail process where a particular amount of money is paid to secure his/her release from custody. The defendant promises to appear in court on the required set date. The bail process varies depending on the court, but usually, a bail hearing date is set to determine if a person is eligible for bail.

  1. Bail Hearing

Once has a person has been arrested, the court will set the amount of bail alongside other conditions for the release of the person’s release. In granting the bail, the court will consider the following factors:

  • The defendant’s financial resources
  • His/her mental and physical conditions
  • The defendant’s criminal history; history of alcohol or drug abuse
  • The defendant’s history of court appearances
  • How long the defendant has stayed in the given community

The court can also place certain restrictions on the defendant such as limiting their travel, curfew reinforcement, revocation of gun ownership right, or subjecting them to psychological or medical testing or treatment.

Once the bail amount is determined, a specified percentage or the whole amount is paid to the court. Then, the court issues a release from custody order.

  1.    Getting the Help of a Surety Bonds Company

If the defendant cannot afford to post his/her bail, their friend, lawyer, relative, or even the defendant themselves can contact a bail/ surety bonds agency. The agency will immediately start collecting any information on the situation of the defendant including:

  • Where the defendant is being held;
  • The duration that they have been detained;
  • The defendant’s place of work;
  • The alleged crime.

If the agency is sure that the arrestee doesn’t pose risks of appearing in court and the government doesn’t have any hold on them, then bail bonds can now be purchased. They will then sign an application form alongside an indemnity agreement. This leads to their release from custody after the process of paperwork and posting of the bail bond is complete.

The bond agent/company usually charge a non-refundable fee of 10-20% of the bail amount. They are then answerable to the court if the defendant violates the bail release orders, including failing to appear on the agreed date.

Types of Bail Bonds

In Murrieta, California, you can secure a bail bond that depends on the kinds of charges pressed against you, your legal status as a citizen or an immigrant, and the type of surety or collateral that would be used. Among the common examples include:

  • A weapons bail bond, which is accorded to a defendant who has been arrested on a weapons charge;
  • An Immigration bail bond that is given to foreigners visiting the United States;
  • Domestic violence bail bond that is given on a domestic violence charge;
  • A property bail bond, which is given when a defendant puts up personal property as collateral to cover for the bail bond. The property must be owned free and clear by the defendant or their cosigner or bail guarantor, and hold substantial resale value.

What Happens When the Defendant Does Not Appear for the Scheduled Hearings?

When the defendant does not appear before the court as agreed in the bail bond agreement, it means that the defendant has skipped bail. The judge will issue a warrant of arrest for the defendant if they continue remaining at large without any valid reason. The bail bonds agent will, therefore, be required to pay the entire bond amount and collect the dues from the cosigner and the defendant. 

The Rights and Responsibilities of the Defendant and the Co-signer

The Bail Bonds agreement places certain rights and responsibilities upon parties. The defendant has the right to be released on bail once he/she has been arrested. However, they must ensure that they appear before the court for the case hearing. The Co-signer, on the other hand, has the right to – at any point – request for a bond revocation if they are not comfortable with the defendant’s situation. The co-signer also has the responsibility to ensure that the defendant appears before the court for the hearing of the case.

Why Should I Seek Help from a Surety Bonds Company?

In as much as the law regulates all bail bonds agencies, it is paramount to choose an agency that is reputable for excellent service delivery. This will help you in many ways. For instance, it will save you the headache of personally trying to understand the bail process, the available options, and other details involved in bail bonds. This is because a reputable agency has established ethical and work standards that involve educating their clients on all these details.

The experience of such an urgency in the bail bonds sector is also vital in ensuring that the process is flawless – from filling out the required paperwork, updating you on the stages of your case, to ensuring that you are well-informed on what to do after the case is ruled out. This is essential because the last thing you want during the bail process is any stress so that you can relax or let your loved one relax and return to their normal lives.

Ultimately, seeking the help of a reputable agency means a simplified task for you; you continue on with your normal life as the agency handles this process for you.

Find a Bail Bond Agency Near Me

It is not coincidental that you are reading about a reputable bail bonds agency with El Don Bail Bonds in mind; we have been in the bonds sector for many years, and providing the best services is our mission. It doesn’t matter where you are in Murrieta, CA, or what time you need our services, we are waiting for your call at 760-342-0444.